Join The Utopia
Louise's Utopia
This site is a Hobby Farm blog and consists of the whims of myself, Louise the author, there is no real set theme. The blogs are written humorously at times with a twinge of seriousness or seriously with a twinge of humor, it varies. If you can catch either/or you are doing well. I invite you to subscribe below with a simple email address. Subscribers help to grow the blog and keep members up to date with the new things that happen on the Coteau Valley Farm. Anytime there are new posts or blogs the computer gremlins will notify members, via email. Sign-up! (Please) Here at Coteau Valley Farm in Northeast South Dakota, there is endless adventure and fun. I will write about certain experiences we have had on the farm. I am not on a solid posting schedule so please check back often. I would love to have you as a subscriber and friend!